Wednesday, January 11, 2006


So what did I resolve in the new year? Not to make anymore damn resolutions. *sigh* I say that every year and every year I end up doing the same thing. I resolve to, say, eat healthier. I'm good for a few weeks then I'm back to my old habits.

Some old habits die hard, don't they? There are some habits I want to keep, maintain. I'm going to keep writing and being as prolific as possible. Writing makes me feel good. It's also good to see readers respond to me. You all fuel me. For that, I thank you.

So what did you all resolve in the new year? Lose weight? Quit smoking? More sex? Share. I won't tell. *S*

Stay sexy,


Leigh Ellwood said...

Write more!

Unknown said...

That's not a resolution. It's a mantra!


Leigh Ellwood said...

Let me clarify:

write one thing at a time, and not get bogged in a puddle of partial manuscripts.

Unknown said...

Good thing I'm simple. I never write more than one story at a time. I need to keep the voices in my head consistent. *LOL*
